Foundations Classical Academy

Online courses for children and adults

Foundations Classical Academy

FCA is a new online liberal arts “mini-school” that offers rigorous live and asynchronous online courses to children and adults. As the name implies, we aim to provide all students with the “pillars” necessary for academic growth from the grammar (elementary school) years to the rhetoric stage (high school years and beyond). Despite our “back-to-basics” curriculum and belief in the value of time-honored traditional teaching methods, we take an unconventional approach to evaluation by providing feedback and percentages on assignments while leaving grades for parents to determine based on their own criteria. Our focus is the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty through the study of the liberal arts, “restful” (unhurried) learning, and the cultivation of habits of mind and heart as avenues toward human flourishing. 

Introduction to Classical Studies

Giovanni Pauolo Panini Fantasy View with the Pantheon and Other Monuments of Ancient Rome (1737). Public domain.

Ages 8-12

This Christian-based asynchronous online course teaches students the rudiments of a classical education through readings and reflections on the lives and times of ancient Romans, Bible stories, and tales from Greek mythology. We also look at great works of art and touch on other areas such as astronomy. The course focuses on memorization of key facts and Bible verses as well as recall of the stories studied.

Grammar Cycle I (First semester)

Ages 11-18

A solid knowledge of grammar forms the base for reading, writing, speaking, and even thinking. Learn the functions of the parts of speech, sentence diagramming, punctuation, and more in this two-semester asynchronous online course. This course progresses from basic to advanced grammar concepts. Students may repeat the course in subsequent semesters as cycles II, III, and IV present the same concepts using different exercises.

English Language Arts Through Literature "Green" Level

Ages 11-13

This live online course teaches English language arts through literature. Featuring fragments of classic works of literature such as Black BeautyThe BorrowersAround the World in Eighty Days, biblical psalms (treated here as works of history/literature) and more, it focuses on grammar, dictation, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and penmanship skills as well as critical thinking, basic literary analysis, root word recognition, study skills, and research skills. 

Spanish Level A (First semester)

Ages 11-18

Would you like to learn the basics of Spanish grammar, speaking, reading, and writing? Join our live online Spanish Level A course for ages 11 and up. This course is equivalent to the first semester of a traditional high school level course and prepares students for more advanced study in the language.

Print and Cursive Improvement Through Drawing-American History Focus

Ages 11-18

In this live online course, we improve our print and cursive handwriting through reading and writing about people and events from American history as well as drawing them. Why drawing? Drawing involves some of the same muscle groups as handwriting. It’s also lots of fun!

Study Skills (FREE)

Ages 11-18

This free asynchronous online course is highly recommended for all students ages 11 and up. In this course, students will learn to eliminate distractions, concentrate for long periods of time, develop self discipline and impulse control, and visualize academic success. 

Fundamentals of U.S. History, Government, and Geography (First semester)

Ages 10-14

This asynchronous online course teaches students ages 10-14 basic facts about United States history, geography, and government that will prepare them for more comprehensive study in these areas. Part of a two-semester course, the first semester of "Fundamentals of U.S. History" focuses on key people and events from 1607-1865, the United States Constitution, and the U.S. states and capitals. A large part of the course is memory work as means to provide the "pegs" for future learning. Songs are incorporated as mnemonic aids as are unique drawings that help students more easily learn the states and capitals ("Trick Geography" series).

Guided Study Hall

Ages 11-18

Does your child need help focusing? Getting organized? Completing assignments? Finding motivation? If so, guided study halls can help. Guided study halls are live online meetings held once weekly for 1.5 hours and are designed to help students build good study habits, to provide accountability for their study, and to lead them to becoming more self-directed, independent scholars. A typical guided study hall session consists of 1) creating a study plan for tackling an individual assignment or memory work with each student (around 10-15 minutes); 2) completing the assignment/studying quietly under teacher supervision (around 60 minutes); 3) showing the completed work to the teacher and reflecting on the study session as a whole (around 15 minutes). 

Classical Conversations (FREE)

Ages 4-12

Classical Conversations is a Christian-based homeschool program that teaches children ages 4-12 the first principles of mathematics, Latin, art, science, music, English grammar, geography, and world history through songs, chants, movement, flash cards, and more. This asynchronous online course based around the CC "Foundations" model is great for setting the "pegs" for future learning as it focuses largely on memorization. By the end of 1.5 years, children will have memorized more than 400 facts. * Note: Before signing up, parents must purchase the corresponding Classical Conversations materials.
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